revealing the sand dynamics

Seoul International District Waterfront Design International Competition, 2nd place winner

서울국제교류복합지구 수변생태 여가문화 공간조성 국제지명 현상설계 2등작

year of Completion: 2019

Project Location: Seoul, Korea

The waterfront of Seoul International District has to offer something that the already prosperous commercial leisure venues nearby cannot. We believe that is, firstly to provide the experience of nature and, secondly to serve as a foundation for sound urban ecology. For the purpose, the straightened stream is to be transformed into a meandering sand beach through progressive hydro-engineering strategy (Revealing Sand Dynamics), the permeable river banks will purify and reserve stormwater runoff (Riverbanks as Filter), and about 20,000 trees will be planted to facilitate urban programs in various scales (Forest as Destination). This rewilding strategy is only possible and sustainable through highly elaborated sectional thinking and regional water management vision. This proposal also aims to secure the identity of Korean landscape through the contemporary revival of the lost nature in the midst of urbanization.
there was the web of branch watercourses from Tancheon/ that is now buried underneath. Urban water table has been dropping /ever since the urbanization, like the Intermodal Transit Center/ that requires excavating to minus 56m. This waterfront will function as one system /to mitigate the water deficit and pollution problem the site already has, and supposed to only get worse, as well as bringing back the lost lifestyle. 48. So when it rains, the collected rainwater from the roofs of the surrounding buildings and from the roads will flow into the wetlands cascade and to the permeable soil strata of the forest /so that the velocity of runoff /would be significantly reduced. Wetlands and the sand cones with aerators /will capture the pollutants /and clean the runoff water as well. The collected and cleaned water/ can be restored for dry season or infiltrated into the permeable layer of underground. Continuous sand sedimentation /will facilitate natural purification process. The bridge will also be a part of the water system, by storing the cleaned runoff and discharge it during dry season for multiple usages. There is already a plan /of installing recharge wells deep into the aquifer/ in order to artificially maintain the water table level, /and tab water/ will be poured into,/ to make up the groundwater leakage caused by the construction of the Intermodal Transit Center. We have to consider all those actors and events in wholistic way, as if Mother Nature would. “Revealing sand dynamics” proposes to rely/ more on the resiliency of nature/ and ready to be plugged into any future regional water management strategy. We propose to revive /the lost sandy landscape /and to create the unprecedent ambience at the center of Seoul. We believe/ this can be the touchstone project of Seoul, and Korea, /that shows our advocacy and contribution/ on mitigating the climate change to the world, as well.